Here you
can see some pics showing my shacks during my HAM career. |
This one
shows the first shack in 1962. no licence so "fake transmitter". |
Here I am proud to show
my homebrew SSB/CW transceiver for 28 MHz. Also a homebrew PA
running 30 W. The year was 1978. |
In 1992 the web cluster
was continuously flashing DX-info in my old laptop. |
Here is my operating spot
when I was at my summer house on the island of Gotland (eu-020).
The year is 2012 and the trees were full of wire antennas. |
This pic is from 2013. A
new PA, Expert 1K-FA, is doing a great job. |
This pic is from 2021.
Rig is Icom 7300 and the homebrew keyer is still working fine.  |