from H40T in Temotu Province were very low on 10
meters in february 2002. I was lucky to hear them
calling CQ and answering me. |
Hussein of Jordan was on 10 meters in april 1980.
With his dark voice he said: "Thank you Martin and
good luck with DX-ing!" |
It is
hard to contact Pacific Ocean on 10 meters. In may
2002 I was lucky to work K1B with 100 watts and a
wire antenna. |
Reef in the Pacific is a rare one. In october 2000
their signals were fluttering on 15 meters during
our evenings. |
AH8AA in
American Samoa was strong and almost alone on 10
meters on the morning of 14 march 1982. Strange
radio conditions. |
As with
AH8AA I worked Wake Island on 10 meters with 30
watts and a homebrew yagi. Wake Island happened in
march 1980. |
in North Korea used always the same frequency on
higher bands. On 26 september 2002 I worked him on
28530 with split up 10. |
On their
first day of operation 17 march 2002 I was able to
contact Duice Island on 15 meters. Pile up from
Europe was tremendous. |
With my
home-brew 30 W transceiver I was able to contact
Pitcairn Island on 10 meters in february 1990.
Signals were low but readable. |
On 16
january 1999 I was lucky to make a contact with
Campbell Island on 10 meters. Signals were just
above noise but CW did it. |
missed some DX-peditions to Austral Island on 40 m
during the years. But with my "Compact moxon" and
100W I got them in 9 sep 2009. |
Jean was
opera- ting with only 5 watts into a vertical an-
tenna. My compact Moxon for 10 MHz did the
job. |